Sponsored Rides 2014

April 13th 2014

Nearly 300 riders turned out to enjoy this popular ride.  We were lucky with the weather being not to hot or not to cold.  The whole day was going really well with no mishaps and all bar one managing to negotiate the ford.  There is a way round but it does add an extra mile to the ride.  Our poor photographer had all his equipment stolen just days before the event but luckily a friend of his agreed to come and had a photographer at both the  jumps and a ford crossing. He had traveled all the way from Dover but unfortunately was unable to print up the pictures on site but they are all available online.

Becki Easters RideAs I mentioned things were going really well until the local motorbike riders took exception to horse riders using the ‘BRIDLEWAY’  so they were unable to bomb along at breakneck speeds.  In protest  they removed all the marker ribbons along the route.  This resulted in the last 30-40 riders being lost in the Essex countryside and we sent out help in the form of horse stewards, quads and volunteer’s in cars to point them in the right direction.

We always try out best to ensure the route is well marked and well stewarded but this sort of problem was a first for us and obviously we had several worried parents back at the base camp waiting for their children to return.  We do state on the entry form that children under 12 are not allowed to ride unless accompanied by an adult, give out maps of the route and provide riders with a contact telephone number in case of any problems along the way, but this is still quite a scary situation of all involved.

The situation has been reported to the police and we hope it will never be repeated.

We will be holding our Autumn ride again this year in the Ongar/Moreton area of Essex. So watch this space

We would like to thank our local landowners and farmers for their permission and co-operation in the running of this ride as without them it would not be possible.


September  21st  2014 @ Wood Farm, Moreton, ONGAR, Essex. CM5 9EY

click here to download entry form

A lovely pleasure ride, approximately 7 miles long.  Starts and finishes froom Wood Farm, Moreton, Nr Ongar. CM5 0EY.

The route is welll marked with experienced stewards.  Rosettes to all finishers, hot snacks available, photographer, optional jumps and safe and easy parking.

If you have not entered yet, don’t worry there’s still time!

You can download from our Facebook page, the website or please email Victoriaraven1@gmail.com

If you have any questions you can also call Victoria on 07808 658 222 after 6pm.